This day started quite early. We wanted to go up early because we still didn’t know when to meet up with our guide and group. We woke up to a quite warm room and we couldn’t turn the lights on. The power seemed to be off in most of Stone Town. We tried to pack and get ready in the dark and headed down to the breakfast. Because the power was off the breakfast was not much so we decided to go to a restaurant and try to get WiFi (to see if the guide had answered on WhatsApp). When we walked around we noticed that there was some people with electricity, BUT they also had generators roaring outside the stores – Very environment friendly ^^

After a nice breakfast we knew that the group would be at the terminal at 11.30, which meant that we had around 1h before we needed to meet them. We decided to walk around and check the stores and also buy dollars (because you can’t withdraw them from ATMs). At 11.30 we were at the terminal to find the group but it was almost impossible.. A lot of people coming out and we didn’t really know what to do. After a while I saw a group of people standing outside the terminal looking a little confused but seemed to wait for something. Tobias went over and asked, and lucky us, it was them! Then they told us that there was a slight change of plan and we were about to stay one day in Stone Town instead of going to the other side of the island. This because everything was already booked.

Around 12:30 we were all checked in and ready to go on a Spice Tour! We drove with the bus for a while and when we arrived, they gave us home cooked food. When we all have eaten it was time to walk around the garden with our local guide. He was very funny and always so happy. He also had a very interesting ”accent”. It was a mixture of the ”African accent” and suddenly says something very brittish in almost a different voice. We think that he heard people and tried to mimic the sound. Very funny. He always said ”you know” super brittish ^^

The tour was very good, we walked around saw different spices got information and also try them if we wanted. We saw carnation, nutmeg, kardimum, chilli, cinnamon, vanilla and fruits such as mango, banana, jackfruit, star fruit, avocado etc.

Nutmeg! Took the picture quickly with my left hand, that’s why it is a little blurry..

Cinnamon bark

After the spice tour it was time to go back to Stone Town for our city tour. What we did was to walk around in the city and learned information about the city. Eg the nicer the door you have the more money you have. And also a lot of the doors had spikes on them because they came from India and they were used so the elephants shouldn’t lean on the doors. Zanzibar doesn’t have elephants, but now they are well prepared ^^

We ended the day with going to the food market and ate the Tanzanian pizza, a chicken kebab and went to bed. We were so tired from the full day so we fell asleep right away 😴


