Like I told before, the bus went at 4:45 and to let us sleep as much as possible they gave out breakfast boxes that we could eat on the bus so we didn’t need to go down to the breakfast before. It was pitch black but we could see people already sitting by the road or actually out running. Enter the ferry was painless because now we had a guide and all we needed to do was following him and do what he says. And if someone tries to ”sell” something we could just say ”we are with them” and they let us be. Awesome ^^

During the ferry ride we slept most of the time but if we wanted we also could see Djungle Book (English live action). When we arrived it was time to go to the truck/bus. It was warm and sunny, but it was not far away. When everything was packed it was time for our 8h long bus ride to our camp site. The bus ride in general wasn’t that bad. Very warm, because there is no AC, but as soon we get the speed up there is a nice wind 🙂 But at the stops that we have had, the toilets haven’t been very fresh.. But we have seen some nice scenery at least 👌

When we arrived to Mikumi National Park it didn’t take long until we saw around 5-6 giraffes. We saw a lot of animals! Antilops, wildebeests, zebras, elefants and more giraffes. We weren’t allowed to stop because otherwise we needed to pay a fee and we were just passing through. But the animals didn’t care about the passing traffic, they just chilled or ate as we passed ^^

When we arrived it was time to set up the tent and because we were so warm and sweaty we all jumped in the pool to cool down before the dinner. Problem was that we really didn’t want to go up, but we knew that they prepared the dinner so we went up and joined. The food was delicious and because we are two vegetarians I could have veggie food 🙂

Now we are sitting in the bar and hanging out waiting for New year’s! 🍻🥳🎊


