This day we were the day when we should do a bush camp overnight in Botswana. We left early as all days before, and headed for the Botswana border. This border is actually a four way border between Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Zambia.
This day we were the day when we should do a bush camp overnight in Botswana. We left early as all days before, and headed for the Botswana border. This border is actually a four way border between Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Zambia.
When we arrived to the Botswana border we needed to go on a 5 min ”ferry” which would take us to the other side. We went out of the truck and went on what looked like a metallic raft or something. Us, some more people, our truck and some cars squeezed in on this small thing. As we were crossing what seemed to be the engine were running very hot an a guy was trying to cool it down with the water from the ocean. He was throwing it into the engine – seemed very safe.. 😅
The Botswana visa is right now for free because they are building a bridge and haven’t gotten everything in order yet – Great for us that’s only staying one night 😎 When the visa was all set we needed to wash all our shoes because they didn’t want to spread a decease (can’t remember witch, but was something with cows). The funny part with this was that it was some kind of small matt that you needed to step on (unattended) which looked very dirty, and frankly, it felt like I got more diseases on the shoes than before.. x)
The drive after wasn’t long, and we stopped by a shopping centre to buy drinks and snacks for the bush. When we stopped at a camp site it was time for lunch and give our one-day-pack to the guys which was supposed to set the camp. After this, it was time for our river boat safari (that we paid extra for).
The safari started with us going out on the river while our tour guide telling us about the surroundings. It didn’t take long before we saw our first hippo on land. It was just eating and didn’t care about us at all. We came really close! Later we also saw a lot of hippos in the water.
I’m thinking that I won’t tell you a story about every encounter, so will show you some pictures instead 🙂
After the 3h trip was over, it was time for another safari which led us to our bush camp. So it was a two in one. Same here, just going to show you some pictures from the trip 😎
During the evening when all was dark, and we were sitting by the fire trying to solve riddles our driver/guide was telling us, an elephant decided to visit. It was very cool and it just went around the camp checking us out. It one time found our temporary toilet outside the camp area (which sort of looked like a voting stand that covered the toilet. I guess this elephant usually take this path and suddenly a toilet was in the way and he decided to move it. Imagine if someone was in that toilet, the horror when a trunk just coming down and flips the stand 😆 It looked very funny, and then it tried to come to our camp area but the guys managed to sho it away. It was not aggressive, only curious 🙂🐘
During the night/evening we had three elephants around us, two giraffs passing and an unknown animal bashing around the truck/car turning the lights on – which Tobias and I totally did not wake up to 😴😆