Today I woke up at 03:10 just to get ready for Eurovision. That is eeearly. Went to the lab where I watched it with a guy from Kanada and my colleague from Sweden. Really nice! It is more fun to watch with people and comment on the different contributions than sit alone in the bed and watch by my self.. x)
After this I went straight to the place where the bus where supposed to pick me up. We went by bus for 4 hours and stopped by a small onsen where we ate lunch and just hung out in the water.
Okey, now I’m going to tell you the story about the douchebag from Slovakia!
Hmmm, how should I begin. This guy was a psychological/biological/philosophical Sheldon Cooper (but absolutely not in the charming way). He sort of held monolog with himself when I stopped listening. He was really word pooping. 20% was actually understandable! He is sort of the things he said to me:
Started to question my whole thesis and ask what is my actual contribution to the world
I have apparently no values (actually according to him I confess that – How? I don’t know… x) )
I don’t have real friends because friends share values and I don’t have any..
I am apparently irresponsible
I said that I will never vote for SD because they are rasist but he seemed to try to convince me that they are not (even though he does not know who they are..) and said I needed to check data and information
He asked if there is someone that cared about me
The ”method” in how I make myself happy was wrong
Mum has taughed me wrong
Need to do things that makes me sad in order to be happy
Things I do to make me happy are apparently bad for me ”in the broader perspective”
Asked him if he could say something that makes him happy, started to define happy. -IT IS A SIMPLE QUESTION! xD in the end after maybe 15 mins of word poop, life makes him happy
He also got quite angry that tried to go off the bus during the bathroom brake. He said that I seemed not to want to discuss things. WHAT IS IT TO DISCUSS?? Does he seriously think that I want to sit and just listen to him saying bad things about me?!?!
I have apparently also wasted my life traveling because you can watch everything in documentaries.. x)
And apparently according to facts, women go to the university for three reasons (only remember two): To prove them self (not by learning) and finding a husband. Quoting: ”Women know that their eggs are getting worse every year and they need to find someone to reproduce with”
and apparently it is a waste of time for women to go to the university because they should take care of kids
I told him that the father should also take care of the kids but then according to him they loose some connection with the mum and will end up as rapists and criminals (according to ”facts”)
I told him that fathers at least in Sweden (can) take a brake from work just to be with the kids and I can’t say that all Swedes are rapists and criminals.
Then he started to talk about stats in the US, and bla bla bla
I told him that he can’t compare stats from the US with Sweden and then he called me rasist
In the end of a lot of nonsens I said ”Lets agree to disagree..”
He: ”No”
Me: ”No??”
He: ”No, because I’m right”
Me: ”…… Sure. You are right…………….”
During 4 hours! 4 hours of disparagement and laughter when I said something
Who the F*CK is he?? Talking like this to a stranger?? Worst person I have met in a looong time if not in my whole life actually.
Otherwise there was really nice people! But 4 hours of this can make anybody down.!