This two day tour started with a 3h long treck. Uphill… Really exhausting, got reminded I was out of shape. x) When we arrived at the village we saw elephants! Really majestic animals!
Have done a lot of research and talking to people so I knew that this is a good place for the animals.

First elephant we saw stood and rocking back and fourth while eating and I asked our guide why. Apparently he/she was dancing because he/she was happy – good sign! The village had also around 15 puppies and they were super cute!

Got the chance to ride an elephant  too (bareback of course so the elephant didn’t get hurt). Was really hard to keep balance and sometimes Johnny, which was the name of the elephant, wanted to go somewhere else to eat 😆 After a short ride Johnny got a well deserved bath which he loved ^^ He layed in the river while we were scrubbing him with a brush. It was so cute, he had his head under the water while the trunk was working as a snorkel. He really loved it, I could tell 🙂

After we were done with the bathing the elephants we got a dinner in the village. Tried bamboo pancake, it was really good! In the evening we watched a performance by the villages (and also participated) and ended the night by the fire while listening to singalong with the villages and brain teasing games with our guide.

The morning began with a breakfast with toasts roasted on the fire. We went by car to a place were the next hiking trail started. This trail went to a big waterfall where you could take a swim. It was a really nice hike and the waterfall was beautiful! After this we went for water rafting which was more as water paddling x)

Sadly all the pictures are on my camera and I haven’t come to a hostel that has a computer yet. Will show some of them in a post when I have a computer!

Tomorrow I will go to Laos on a slow boat down the Menkong river. Now I’m sitting and reading Loanly Planet while waiting for dinner 🙂


